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Re: Car shows - judging criteria

To: "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>,
Subject: Re: Car shows - judging criteria
From: "Chris Lillja" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:43:58 EST5EDT
Organization: Princeton University Press

The VTR website [] has the concours judging guidelines - I think 
they use a 400 pt system []. Lots of $$ 
involved. Don't just expect to win. Very, very, serious stuff at the national 
level. Most local shows you'll go to are "Popular Vote" type things. (There can 
be lobbying.) Lots of fun, lots of little prizes. Wash and shine. Drive an hour 
or so. Oggle other cars. Eat hotdogs. Oggle other cars. Buy dodads. Get lost on 
the way home. Enjoy. Bring water and sunscreen.... MAN Oh MAN I WISH it was 
SUMMERTIME!!!! *&^%$

Whether you win or not it's great to see all the TR's (and other British cars) 
in one place at one time.

> I am somewhat new to the TR6 world.  A friend has given me quite a bit
> of background just from our conversations.  He is encouraging me to get
> involved in car shows, etc.
> What are the criteria used to judge a TR6 in a car show.  Does anyone
> have a checklist?  Where can I go to get this info if no one has it?
> Thanks,
> Jack Radley
> 76TR6
Christopher M.Lillja
Marketing Associate
Princeton University Press
Fax:609 258 6305

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