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Re: How big a job is it to replace seat foam?

To: "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>,
Subject: Re: How big a job is it to replace seat foam?
From: Jim Jones <>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 20:41:31 -0500
At 09:34 AM 2/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
>My 76 TR6 seats are continually dropping crumbs of seat foam.  In
>addition, the seats are a little saggy.  I have purchased new seat
>diaphragms but have not yet installed them.  Considering the
>disintegrating foam and the crumb issue, would I be better off to do the
>seat foams at the same time I go in for the diaphragms?
>How big a job is it?  At times I can be a real hack.  Should I buy the
>foam kits and have it done by a pro or is this something that not even I
>could screw up?
>Jack Radley
Completely redid my seats about two yrs ago diaphragms, back webbing, foam
and covers.  Stripped and painted the frames at the same time.  I'll admit
to a week or two of trying, testing and thinking on the first one.  After
that the second one was a one day thing.  Make sure you have a good supply
of clip, hog rings and the clips for the back.  Their not always all there
on the old seats or in good condition.  See the results at

Good Luck

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