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Re: DMV, incorrect model ID

Subject: Re: DMV, incorrect model ID
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 22:11:55 EST
In a message dated 2/6/99 9:12:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Since we all know that your Camaro-killer is still in the garage, this
>  one bears some further explanation, Dan..

Believe it or not, I was driving Fiat! This was about 15 years ago. To make a
long story short, as I was merging onto the interstate, a car that had been
parked on the ramp suddenly decided it wanted to pull out into traffic also.
To make matters worse, one lane of traffic on the interstate had been
barricaded in the two hours since I had last been there, and I didn't know it.
You should have been there, it was one sight to behold!  You would have
enjoyed the shucking and jiving I was doing, darting in and out of lanes
between cars to keep from hitting any of them, and to keep any of them from
hitting me, and to stay out of the steel barricades. Just as it was over, and
I was congratulating myself for avoiding an accident, I was pulled over. The
cop didn't understand what happened, and wasn't amused. In the ensuing
argument, I got him to admit that I hadn't been a hazard to any one at any
time, but he didn't see the car that started it all, so he still wrote me up.
The judge was more understanding.

Dan Masters,
Alcoa, TN

'71 TR6---------3000mile/year driver, fully restored
'71 TR6---------undergoing full restoration and Ford 5.0 V8 insertion - see:
'74 MGBGT---3000mile/year driver, original condition - slated for a V8 soon
'68 MGBGT---organ donor for the '74

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