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Re: Wheel Cylinders

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Wheel Cylinders
From: "Lonn Howard" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 17:21:47 -0800charset="iso-8859-1"
Go ahead and use PB Blaster or WD 40.  The reason that you don't use
anything other than brake fluid is to keep from damaging the rubber
seals, but as you are rebuilding the cylinders, who cares.  Methylated
spirits is denatured alcohol.  After you get the cylinder apart check
it for pitting.  If you see pits, go directly to jail, do not pass go,
do not collect $200, and order new cylinders.  Don't waste your time,
our our safety with suspect brake cylinders.  There are few things
more irritating than a newly rebuilt cylinder leaking brake fluid all
over your newly installed brake shoes, or piling your car up when the
brakes fail.  If on the other hand the cylinders clean up nicely after
light honing, wipe them down with clean brake fluid and count yourself
lucky.  After ten years of sitting, you will be...

Lonn Howard
'70 TR6  -mine
'71 TR6  -in my garage, therefore it's mine  (dad might disagree)
'70 MGB GT  -mine, mine... all mine
'89 Saab Turbo Convertible  -hers

"We are but temporary custodians with an obligation of preservation."
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 2:32 PM
Subject: Wheel Cylinders

>I am doing the rear brakes on my 65 4A and have the wheel cylinders
out and
>want to  replace the innards. My Haynes says nothing about it but my
Ken Ball
>says to remove the clip and the dust cover (done) and then pull out
the piston
>and the seal (not done).
>Okay, how do I do that? I have tried twisting (a little) but it
doesn't move.
>Should it come out easily? I seem to recall a direction somewhere
>cautioned not to let it fall out when removing the cylinders so it
must be an
>easy fit. Keep in mind these cylinders have not moved for about ten
years so
>anything is possible. Is it okay to use Blaster on it. I also seem to
recall a
>caution about not using anything but brake fluid on brake components.
>says to soak the parts in "methylated spirits". Is that alcohol - or
>Anyway, as always, TIA.

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