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Exhaust Smell

To: <>
Subject: Exhaust Smell
From: "Wayne and Debbie Tallack" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 20:35:01 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
All you guy complaining about exhaust smell make me jealous !!! At least you
can go for a spin and get nice and LBC smelly.  For those of us in the Great
White North and stuck in the middle of winter we can only dream, ...and you
though we only suffered from seasonal adjustment disorder(SAD).

I wonder if there have aroma therapy for LBC owners ... I'd like odour of a
high octane leaded petrol and 10w 30 Quaker State please ...

I think I'll go sit in the garage, even if it is cold!!!

1972 TR6 CC83984U
(Page and car both currently under repair)

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