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Re: MG List

To: "richard jackson" <>
Subject: Re: MG List
From: "David Greed" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:57:09 +1300charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

>I don't know, I think it's an Ausie term for us!!!  Any Aussies know what
>stands for, probably something to do with us whinging!!! :-)
>Limey is a reference to the Lime's kept on the old ships to prevent
Actually Rich

It is a Kiwi term as well

Possibly it should be spelt as POME for the meaning is:-

Prisoner Of Mother England

or so says my Dad, born in England and glad he is not living there, too
cold, too full of Welshmen and others and all that sort of stuff...

Oh well, off to put on the asbestos pyjamas (it is midnight here)...

Have a good Xmas and New Year


David Greed
1979 2500S Man O/D

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