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Re: Ans. to question

To: Kramer <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Ans. to question
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:08:19 -0700
Organization: Barely enough
References: <>
Kramer wrote:
> Hi!
>         Yesterday 12-9-98 on the TR Didest List you wrote:     What was the
> name of an early `80s group which titled a song after a machine tool and
> what was the name of the song?
>         Question: Do you know the answer? If so, then would you pleasure give
> the answer to me or the TR List? thank you, -Cosmo Kramer

Just waiting a suitable amount of time for everyone to do their
research. <g>

The name of the group: the Two x 4's
The album title and the title song: "Bridgeport Lathe"

I've always wondered about this one, because I've never actually seen a
Bridgeport lathe, just Bridgeport milling machines.... <smile>

Cheers, Cosmo.

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