Hi Bud,
I presume you are in the 'states... this has bearing on the actual answer...
Regarding 5/16th's / 24 heli-coils:
I've bought 'em at a NAPA dealer locally. They listed the "kit" with the
special tap and the insertion tool and the heli-coils themselves and they
had a listing for just the heli-coils.
I know they have this size, because this is the size that TR6 uses for the
rear hub / trailing arm fitment. Yes folks - they are real - easy to strip.
You might also check an aircraft supply kind of place - they usually have
this sort of thing. If so - they might also have a thingie called
Key-inserts (Hi Steve!)... these inserts have little "tab" thingies on 'em
for _very positive_ engagement with the partent metal. You're working with
cast-iron, so key-inserts are probably overkill...
Good luck.
p.s. You can't borrow my kit - I have to do _all_ of my spare trailing arms
some time this winter. I do not want wheels and hubs flying off on the
"race car". The NAPA price was something like 38 bucks for the whole kit
and a little "jar" of the inserts was pretty cheap, under $5.00 as I
recall. Of course the "kits" used to be something like $10 - $15 not all
that many years ago, but let's not go there. ;-)