> I want to publicly thank Brad Kahler for making my life a little better at
> work. He doesn't know this yet, but I have saved the picture of his basket
> case TR3 as my wallpaper on my PC at work.
I'm flattered! Guess I should have copywrited that picture!!
> It doesn't look so great, and that's what helps me. You see, I used to
> have pictures of beautifully restored TR3s on my PC, and people coming
> around to my desk would say "Oh, is that your car that you're fixing up?"
> - to which I would always have to sheepishly reply "No, mine's in MUCH
> worse shape than that - I only hope that mine will look so good, many
> years from now...."
> Now when people drop by and ask if that's my car, I smile and say "No,
> mine's in much BETTER shape than THAT old wreck!"
Pretty scary looking car isn't it! Thats one of those cars where the owner
told me it had the typical rust of a Triumph. I'd hate to see his idea of a
rusty car <G>.
> Thanks Brad!
Any thing else I can do to help let me know!
Brad (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
My Web Site Http://www.141.com/triumphs
1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L -- 1973 Spitfire 1500 FM3353U
1962 TR4 CT288L -- 1959 TR3A TS41311L
1951 Dodge Truck B-3-B-108