Reagarding the Fletcher Williams TR6, in a way, I'm glad that someone
purchased the car. I've never seen it run, but I know it is _waaaaayyy
fast_. FWIW, if you have a TR6 and you want a very stout motor - you should
look this fellow (Fletcher Williams) up. He lives in VA somewhere. Hi John.
I just hope the new owner drives the car in EP, but if they decide to run
it in local club events etc., that's their perrogative. What I do know
about the car is that as of last year, he was asking something like $18k
for it. Considering what he's probably put into the car, that price is a
relative bargain. Oh well. I can say that you won't see the car at vintage
races... but let's not go there.
If you're really into nostalgia, and you want to build a TR6 to look like
the x-Fletcher car - there's another guy in VA or the Carolinas that makes
'glass fenders like that car. Of course, the car will look very mean and
the concours purists will shiver when they see it.... hmmm. Sounds like a
good idea. Where's that number - it's here somewhere. Ummm Japco - I think.
FWIW, the x Group 44 (and Paul Newman) TR6 lives in FL now. The owner likes
to drive it at vintage events. Kool.