So, Sumner. Whaddaya think? Should Fred move into the shed and use the house
for all his car stuff?
Sumner Weisman wrote:
> Fred,
> What kind of LBC guy are you? You are supposed to move into the shed and
> use the house for all your car stuff.
> Sumner Weisman
> Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 10:55:10 -0800
> From: fred thomas <>
> Subject: storage
> Well, my work shop needs should be solved after today, having built a
> 12 X 16 X 10 storage shed against the rear of the house. Now I clean-out
> my garage and put all the equipment in the shed, and have plenty of room
> in both places to walk around, and I haven't had that in years, will not
> kmow how to handle this. If anyone ever tells you any stories about used
> car sales people, they are pikers compared to these people that sell
> these sheds, 10 different com. and 10 different prices, and do the prices
> vary. The two comp. that were close in price were 75.00 apart and the
> farthest was 1300.00 higher for the exact same thing, and believe me I
> compared and read and then readf some more on siding, flooring etc., but
> I look forward to moving everything this weekend, should work out well.
Michael Ferguson
Vernon CT