Okay, so you're talking about a TR6 manifold and going from the ZS 175
to the HS 8. Got it.
Thanks for the clarification. I do like the "bolt-on-ability" of the
adapter plate as opposed to modifying the manifold though. What if the
the 175s are just too scary ;-)
John Donohoe
'70 GT6+ (ooh, will it be faster?)
---Maurice Dykes <mhdykes@thinkage.on.ca> wrote:
> At 08:48 AM 11/19/98 , john donohoe wrote:
> >How did you come up with a 2.5 liter engine with a manifold that was
> >too small for the carbs? Are HD 8's larger than ZS 175's (which is
> >what I would expect to find on a TR6).
> HD8's are 2" SU's and the flange as I remember it was like a 45 degree
> oval. The carbs needed a more square face to bolt to.
> >I guess I figured that the adapter (to fit between the new carb and
> >old manifold) which lowers each carb, would also taper down from the
> >larger bore to the smaller, as well as present new, appropriately
> >sized flanges
> In increase my flange surface size to accommodate the larger carbs I
> added more material to the bottom of the flange to make it lower
> sitting. I then ported the new hole lower relative to the original
> inlet. HD8's are tall carbs and therefore I can't see much of a
> with CD 175's. Maybe a 1/4" lower will suffice.
> I remember dabbing lipstick on the top of my damper and gently
> the hood until there were no more red spots on the hood to figure out
> how much lower I had to go. The front carb of course is the critical
> one.
> The thing to keep in mind is that aluminum can be built up very easily
> and reground and built up again if you make a mistake.
> -Maurice
> --
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