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Moss Motoring

To: Spitfire Mail List <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>, Triumphs Mail List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Moss Motoring
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 20:53:35 -0800
Organization: Curry Enterprises
I just got my Winter 98 copy in the mail and was thumbing through it
when an illustration caught my eye.

On page 21 is a line drawing of a door latch and striker.  I am not
familiar with the details of Austin Healey door hardware, but the
striker looks amazingly like that on a Mk1 or early Mk2 Spitfire.

Is there anybody out there with knowledge of both cars that can tell me
if they are the same.  It might be easier to find replacement strikers
for a Healey than an early Spit.

But they might be extremely expensive, considering the model.  If they
are the same, I might be able to buy a bunch at Spitfire prices and sell
them to Healey owners at a huge mark-up.  8^)

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