I agree, but I do not have a Haynes manual to copy. In a message a few
days ago someone said that they had spoken to Haynes and they were not
particularly concerned about single copies being made. Perhaps that person
could call them again and ask about a licence to reproduce a limited
quantity (say 50 based on known levels of demand - currently 38).
Regards, Trevor Jordan
At 8:16 AM +1100 18/11/98, Bob Kramer wrote:
>What about offering Haynes a small fee to gain permission to copy said
>manual ?
>Bob Kramer, Austin TX
>Hill Country Triumph Club
>TR6's, TR250's, TR3A vintage race
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Trevor Jordan <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 4:36 AM
>Subject: Demand for Haynes TR6 Manual
>>And now the number for which everyone has been waiting eagerly. Thirty
>>four, that is 34, nearly three dozen. There were also four responses for a
>>TR2-4 manual and one for an MGA manual. Sorry folks, I expected more, but
>>I just count the votes that I receive.
>>I suspect that this burgeoning level of pent up demand will have very
>>little impact on Haynes publishing plans. It might be more productive to
>>support Andy's offer of a reprint of the 6Tech manual or Wayne's proposal
>>to photocopy the Haynes manual (after obtaining proper approval form the
>>copyright owner, of course).
>>Trevor Jordan
>>74 TR6 CF29281U