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Re: Haynes TR6 TR5 and 250 Manual

To: "jonmac" <>, "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Haynes TR6 TR5 and 250 Manual
From: Trevor Jordan <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 20:53:48 +1100
Also available from Moss Europe and Rimmer Bros for those who may be
planning to place an order with these suppliers.  I believe that it is
thesame as the Bentley reprint but without the owner's handbook.

Regards, Trevor Jordan

At 11:26 AM +1100 17/11/98, jonmac wrote:
>A propos the recent thread in trying to get Haynes to re-publish the
>above. I'd be surpised if they did - but you never know.
>FWIW, a few months ago, I forwarded details to listers who contacted
>me, of manuals and handbooks which I'd found in the BMIHT shop. I've
>no financial interest in that activity but it may help those looking
>for a publication of this sort to note the number of the following
>Reprinted original factory manual for TR6 inc TC and PI
>ISBN 186982 6132
>Original factory part no 545277/E2
>BMIHT price 26.95 Pounds + P&P
>I'm sure Barnes and Noble or Amazon could come up with something that
>John Mac

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