I have not forgotten to keep you guy's updated about the above rally and the
Triumphs progress:
Unfortunately, the organisers have not been updating their website...
The latest entry there was on 27 October 1998.
However, on one of the competitors' personal website, I have managed to glean
the following data:
I have heard that on Saturday night, (31 October 1998), there were still six
crews on target for gold:-
6 and 7 (the Allards)
18 (the Triumph Vitesse, Kipping/Thomason)
25 (the Austin Westminster, Blanckley, Davies & Humphreys)
38 (the Mustang, Bayliss/Vipond)
45 (the Merc, Caldwell)
On Sunday, (1st November 1998), they were all due to cross the border into
Syria. As no cries for help were heard, it is assumed that they made it across
the border. They were also due to attend a reception last night, given by the
I will be pleased to post any further relevant information if/when it becomes
available to me.
Kind Regards
Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaison Secretary.