Before i started subscribing I was able to get it at Walden Books
counter. You are looking for Classic & Sports Car (no s) November '98
issue. US subscriptions are $63.00/year. Through 732
424-7811 Glen brook NJ.
Peter C
At 09:13 AM 11/4/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I've been searching for the magazine that was said to hold a tribute to
Triumph on its 30 year anniversary. The name I was told is: "Classic &
Sports Cars". I cannot find it any where. The internet has no clues, and
Barnes & Noble (probably the best magazine rack near me) has no idea as to
this magazine.
>I've also searched for variations on this title -- to no avail.
>Could anyone on the list point me toward how to locate it? Based on the
dates of the emails, I assume the Triumph issue was in either the October
or November issue.
>Eric Conrad
>Denver, CO
Peter Caldwell
MGC-GT , 100-4, '31 MM8 Cammy, Innocenti S,
'52 Champ, '60 L-R 109 SW, 3 '64-73 L-R 88's