I have been experiencing the same type clunking noise, and have replaced
the u-joints as well. However, and you may have already
done this, check your differential mounts, the metal part on the chassis
and the rubber parts on the differential. My bushings were
cracked and mis-shapened(a word?) and did not seat well against the metal,
thus allowing enough "play" to cause movement and thus the sound. I plan on
replacing them with polyurethane mounts from British Parts Northwest (just
received them today).
Victoria British has the axle shaft assembly listed for $164.95. But I am
sure some good used ones are around at your local Brit yard.
Let me know if that fixes your problem
Good Luck
Jack Clark '74 TR6
At 10:55 PM 11/1/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I've come out of a long lurk to post another question:
>My axle shaft on the right side is in serious need of replacement. The
>splines are now worn enough that the whole thing flops around like Chris
>Farley, and when I dump the clutch in 1st or reverse there is an
>enormous clunk. (no, the u-joints are all new) Where is the best place
>to get them? I can't seem to find my Apple Hydraulics catalog, do they
>rebuild them? What about White Post?
>Thanks in advance,
>Chad Stretz
>73 TR6