In a message dated 98-11-02 10:50:58 EST, you write:
<< Folks, friend of mine has a TR2 which he is modifying for autoX. He wants
know if there are any special techniques etc. for fitting TR4 drums to the
TR2. He was told by some autoXer that htis would improve his braking
Any help appreciated. cheers.
Art Kelly >>
Hello Art
I am pretty sure the entire rear axle is different from TR2 to TR4.
Everything. Although some very early TR2's used 9" rear brakes like the TR4, I
believe they were made by a different company (Lockheed vs Girling). I suspect
they would not accept the TR4 rear drums.
>From what I know, if this person desires the TR4 rear brakes, drum, etc on a
TR2, he'll need a TR3A rear axle, (TR4 rear axle is too long) and the brakes.
Some TR3A's had rear brakes essentially identical to TR4's, some early ones
had 10". Either can be made to work on a later TR3 rear axle.
Have your friend look at the plate at the end of the axle tube. If square and
4 bolts it's an early TR2 one, if round and 6 bolts it's a later TR3A. After
he gets it in he will have to do something with the hydraulic lines as again
pretty sure these are different.
Hope this helps
Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A (w/ 10" rear brakes)
62 TR3B (w/ 9" rear brakes)
64 TR4 ditto-