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Re: TR4 plate lights

To: "Dennis Barr" <>
Subject: Re: TR4 plate lights
From: "Andy" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 07:44:04 -0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
You must have had some night. What with your bumber lights (I think most 
of us Triumph owners have those) and writing e-mails to the Bard (the 
second one too, by the way "Bard not Bard"). Believe me I know what it's 
like when you have a problem with the car and can't think of anything else.
Glad you got the lights fixed though.
Andy D

On 10/31/98 08:17 PM Dennis Barr said...
>Hi Listers: Can anyone tell me where the wiring from the plate
>illumonation bulbs on the bumber overriders enters the trunk? Is it the
>1" hole near the back/bottom of the trunk, and then do you make up a
>jumper ?
>Dennis Barr

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