On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, Michael Ferguson wrote:
> Anyone out there have any experience with oxygen/mapp (or propane)
> cutting, brazing, welding torches? They sell for about $40 at Home
> Depot. I'm getting tired of wrenching apart my rusty TR3 (Brad Kahler
> signature model), but don't have a real torch. Useful for any or all of
> the above applications - or are they a waste of cash? Thanks!
I say forget it, and get an acetylene kit. The MAPP is OK for soldering
and light brazing (they say you can weld, but I'm skeptic), BUT you will
be stuck with a bunch of 'disposable' bottles. And at $10/pop for oxygen
(that's canadian $, probably closer to $7 US) you will pile 'em up pretty
For $500 canadian you can get a COMPLETE gas welding outfit. Tiny tanks,
a REAL torch, gloves, goggles, hoses, etc. Inquire at the local
"been-around-forever" welding shop and see if they have one of these.
Then if you don't like gas welding, you can bail out all at once (the MAPP
things aren't worth much new, so they're not worth much used), or if you
do like it, you can trade your tanks up and get bigger ones.
The small tanks are still refillable. Every 5 years you need to have the
oxy tank tested (costs about the same as a fill). For my kit, it's $40
for 40cuft of acetylene and $20 for the same amount of oxygen. (Those are
B sized tanks). With the $500 kit you get an MC tank (=10 cuft) and a
20cuft oxy tank. I think the MC costs about $20 to fill, so the little
oxy tank, probably around $10.
For sheet metal it is best to get the smallest tip possible (#000 Victor)
You can also get good used gas-welding equipment. It's also repairable if
you get bad used stuff :-)
Unless you plan to do LOTS of cutting, don't spend extra on a cutting
torch. You can cut quite nicely if you use a medium sized tip and apply
an oxidizing flame (too much oxygen) to the metal. Really hot, burns the
steel, and causes it to rust- but works wonders on frustrating bolts and
the like.
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