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Re: Only for Triumph enthusiasts in NEW ZEALAND

To: Egil Kvaleberg <>, David Greed <>
Subject: Re: Only for Triumph enthusiasts in NEW ZEALAND
From: Irwin Armstrong <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 14:51:14 +0100
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <009b01bdfb35$1b209300$dec160cb@david-and-kay> <>


You are a satisfied customer and Egil thinks it can't possibly work.

Can you detail exactly what you found it did for your car and if you have any
data to back it up e.g. increase in power or mileage and if you have measured
your valve seat wear etc..

I am always interested when someone who is independent supports a product and
actually uses it, but I am also a sceptic like Egil.

I would love it to be correct as I could use one soon,  as leaded petrol will
disappear here next year, but don't want to throw away money.


Egil Kvaleberg wrote:

> On 19 Oct 1998, David Greed wrote:
> > hence the reason for the fuel passing through
> > the tin cones just prior to entering the carburettor(s).
> It has long since been shown that any tin content that might possibly be
> released by such devices is far, far too small to do anything at all, be
> that useful or harmful.
> > The fuelstar also
> > uses magnets that somehow affects the molecular structure of the fuel which
> > makes for a cooler burn and is therefore less harsh on the exhaust valves.
> This "somehow" is really something I would like to know about!
> Unlike water molecules, for instance, molecules found in petrol are
> entirely un-polar, and thus completely, utterly unaffected by any
> electrical or magnetic field.
> The only reason I can imagine that these devices are reported to work
> under certain conditions, is that they are used on vehicles where driving
> conditions or otherwise dictate that things would have worked anyway.
> I followed the pointer to the web site, and found the claims made
> regarding decreased consumption, increased engine power and extended
> engine life so outrageous, that these alone would indicate that this is
> just yet another hoax. Predictably, I found no references whatsoever
> to any scientifically conducted tests that might support these claims.
> Such magic clamp-on-devices for the fuel line, with outrageous claims, has
> existed as long as have autocars. And, I'm sorry to report, they work no
> better now than they have before.
> Egil
> --
> Email:  Voice: +47 22523641, 92027705 Fax: +47 22525899
> Snail: Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway
> URL:           PGP:

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