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Re: Why do you drive Classic cars

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Why do you drive Classic cars
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 21:10:48 EDT
In a message dated 98-10-18 07:21:29 EDT, writes:

>I am interested in why you all drive Triumphs or other classic cars,
>given that they all break down, are draughty, cost lots of money to keep
>on the road, give an endless supply of skinned knuckles and all those
>problems to solve.

I just don't agree with the statement in your inquiry. You're asking a
question like "When did you stop beating your wife"  If you state when you
stopped you are admitting that you did beat her.

I guess if my cars were as bad as you are describing, I wouldn't own or dirve
them.  Properly restored and maintained 'classic' sidecurtain TRs are just as
reliable as almost any other car.  Cut corners, bodge repairs, don't maintain
any car will fail you regularly.

My 59 TR3 is sometimes the most reliable car I've got among, Chevy Suburban,
Suzuki, BMW  5 Series, Chevy Camero, AND 36 Morgan three wheeler. It breaks
down less, causes fewer skinned knuckles, and is really not that expensive to
run.  I could almost rebuild an engine for what a fuel pump cost for the BMW

Given all that, the answer is that it's real fun !

Bob Paul

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