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Re: TR6 Carbs

To: Trevor Jordan <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Carbs
From: "James H. Davis, Jr." <>
Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 08:18:21 -0400
Cc: TRIUMPHS@Autox.Team.Net
References: <v03130300b23c70aa9208@[]>
You may be able to pry the plug from the float bowl, but you run the risk of
damaging  or breaking the plastic " fingers" that hold the plug in the bowl and
spilling gas (petrol) everywhere. You may be better advised to remove the carb,
drain the gas into a suitable container, invert the carb, remove the float
chamber and then remove the plug by gently squeezing the plastic fingers while
pressing the plug out. If you are very careful you may be able to re-use the
float chamber gasket, but in most cases it tears upon disassembly.
Unless the carbs have been gone over in the last year or two, I'd clean and
rebuild them while you have them off the car.
Jim Davis
Fortson, GA

Trevor Jordan wrote:

> My front carb is leaking copious amounts of fuel from the bottom.  The plug
> appears to be loose, but I have not tried to remove it.  Can I simply
> remove the plug and replace the O ring, or are there other things that
> probably need attention at the same time?
> Trevor Jordan
> 74 TR6 CF29281U

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