Judging by the 150+ messages I waded thru this afternoon, I can safely
say this is a pretty volatile topic. I originally asked that all comment be
directed straight to me, as I knew this would be a hot one. I was so fed up
with these CNN polls saying how the American public loves and forgives and
wholly backs Bubba that I thought I could get a pretty good cross section of
the country here on the lists. Granted, we are all a little masochistic, what
with our hobby of choice ... but I was curious.
Well .. color me curious no more. I got plenty of feedback, and
apparently, so did you. For this I am sorry. Not for asking the original
question, but because the responses went list wide.
Manute Bol, an almost 8' center in the NBA a few years back, was
playing for my home team here, the Warriors. Whenever Manute, or Nute as we
lovingly referred to him, made a boneheaded move, he would proclaim to his team
mates that it was "My Bad".
Asking this sort of question on a list designed for Triumphs ONLY was "MY BAD",
and unlike the "man" sitting in the President's Office of the White House ... I
am TRULY sorry
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
Publicity Director/Editor