I can't speak to the Tyvek cover, but I purchased a Technalon II cover from
Al's Auto Parts about 3 years ago for my MGB GT that had the #4 cylinder
connecting rod let go. At the time I had a single car garage and I kept my TR6
in the garage with the "B" outside under the cover. I was quite happy with it.
Although the paint on the "B" wasn't anything special to begin with, cover
seemed to do as advertised (kept the water off the car, yet allowed moisture to
evaporate from underneath). The car sat outside for about a year and a half
until I bought a new house with a 3 car garage. Have used the cover on the TR
a time or two and it fits also. The elastic around the ends seems to hold in
place quite well. Even in the strongest wind storms it never escaped, although
it does have eyelets on the edges which allow you to tie it securely underneath
the car. The cover is due for a good cleaning, but I have been more than
satisfied with the results. I think I paid about $100 for it new. Sounds like
$40 is a good price to me. Good luck.
Gordon Buck
Sultan, Washington
71 TR6 CC62806 (163,000 miles - time for new front suspension)
67 MGB GT (patiently waiting for a Rover V8)
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Laing []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 1998 11:53 AM
Subject: TR6 - Car cover advice
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I am
planning on purchasing a car cover for my 76 TR6, but I can't decide
whether I should purchase a "Technalon 2 car cover from covercraft" or a
"Tyvek Car cover from moss". They are both going for $40.00 US, but I
don't know the difference between the two. The technalon 2 cover is a
seconds car cover (meaning it has a mark or is a bit dirty or something)
but the moss cover is new. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks,
Robert Laing
76 TR6 (66,000miles)
Vancouver B.C.