Couldn't make it the TRF event this year but I made up for it by having
some quality time this weekend with the TR6. Finally finished the
replacement of the rear trailing arm bushings,rear spring insulators,
and rubber boots. I always find it interesting how the first side of a
two-sided project takes four weeks while the second side takes four
hours. While I was in there I cleaned up the brakes and drums and
rebuilt the rear wheel cylinders. This was the first time this has been
done in 22 years so it was real interesting. I got a couple of
questions that can be marked up as "inquisitive minds need to know".
1) When I removed the rubber dust cover off both cylinders there was
this nastiest looking gray crud in there. It was powdery and sorta
looked like lemon pepper seasoning. What was this growth?
2) My TRF parts catalogues says there should have been a spring inside
the cylinder. It wasn't there. Any reason to be concerned? Was the
crud mentioned in 1 above the remains of a decomposed spring?
Anyway, the TR6 is back on the road and runs great. It's mild clunking
is gone probably because I replaced the nearly gone spring insulators.
And the slight pull to the left between upshifts on power acceleration
is gone...probably because of the upgraded bushings (the non-rubber
BTW, the good sturdy women's turkey baster works great at sucking the
old, nasty looking fluid out of the MC fluid reservoir since I didn't
want to bleed it through the entire system.
bye for now, and thanks again to all that replied to my questions during
this effort
Bon Appetite
Tom Long