>Micheal, While I am certainly no expert with ISP's, computers and the such
>(actually I'm more of a complete idiot with these things) what I have been
>doing ever since going online is I have a credit card with a $500.00 limit.
>The credit card company keeps trying to raise my limit because they say I'm
>"a prefered customer and have such good credit with them" yaddah yaddah
>yaddah.....But anyway the point is that I only use this account for internet
>and mail order type stuff, this way if somehow security is compromised I'm
>only out $500.00. Just a suggestion and glad to hear you weren't taken to
>receivership. Regards Craig Bentley
I seem to recall that in the event of the theft of my card, I'm only liable for
Are you sure you'd be liable for a larger amount?
Phil Pattengale
54 TR2 - TS1440-LO {project #1}
56 TR3 - TS13872-L {project #2}