On this manifold matter, it obviously depends where this crack is. FWIW,
I've seen a number of old manifolds very successfully repaired with stuff
called Cold Weld. Even used it to very successfully to repair leaking fuel
tanks of the gasoline and diesel varieties. Basically, its an epoxy resin
putty which if properly mixed and allowed to cure will effect a perfectly
satisfactory repair if you're reluctant to apply a welding torch. It truly
sets steel hard in about three hours and should easily withstand the sort
of temperatures a manifold has going through it. It's one of these modern
'wonder compounds' which really does do everything that's claimed of it.
I've got a few odd tubes of it here at the moment and one of them is right
in front of my screen as I write this. If you can't locate a local
supplier, Email me off list with your home address and I'll drop it in the
post. BTW, I'm in the UK, so don't expect a delivery by Tuesday morning.
Normally, I sell this stuff but if the owner of an old TR is in the manure
and unlikely to get out of it - compassion will overcome former Triumph
training for commercial gain!
I can't bear to think of a 3A languishing in its garage unused in the
summer just because the manifold is cracked.
John Macartney