Primer is not meant for long term protection. It is an extremely "soft"
paint. I have heard of other products that are similar to Extend which
coats the metal and turns any residue rust into a neutral substance and
part of the coating. There is also a product called Rass-o-nil which
was referenced on this list a couple weeks ago.
Any of these will not withstand blasting or dipping. A warning about
dipping. By it's nature it will clean off anything from anywhere. It
then needs to be neutralized everywhere and completely removed from the
metal. If some of the stripper stays behind in one of the nooks and
crannies; when you go to paint it, the paint won't adhere. Or it will
appear to until later... Also you need to remember to re-coat/paint all
surfaces including those hidden up and under and behind, etc. If there
is an opening the stripper will get in there and leave an open sore
ready to come back at you.
The short of the above - Think about stripping the car long and hard.
It looks great when it comes back from the dip; but...
m2cw... Carl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Malcolm Walker []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 3:10 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Bare metal pre-treatment
> On Tue, 14 Jul 1998 wrote:
> > I should have mentioned in my previous post about this that it
> is my
> > intention to have the body either stripped or sand-blasted, so
> the
> > solutions I'm seeking would just be for the interim (except for
> > whatever goes inside the rockers, of course).
> It would probably be cheaper to use Tremclad (or a similar rust paint)
> rather than zinc (galv) paint. Around here an aerosol of Zinc Mate is
> $9
> and one of Tremclad is $6... and Home Hardware brand is $4 or so
> The zinc paint is fairly "soft" so it comes off quite readily with a
> wire-brush. (like primer does). It wouldn't stand up to being
> blasted.