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Hats off to Murry Mercier!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Hats off to Murry Mercier!
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 08:30:11 -0400
I'd like to send out a big thanks to Murry for organizing the Triumph marque at 
last weekend`s Len Immke car show (Columbus, OHio - roughly 1000 cars of all 
types show up for this).  Packard and Triumph were the featured marques, and 
Murry worked his butt off making things go smoothly.  I'd also like to mention 
those helping Murry: Ron Fowler, John Huddy, John Thomas, and Jeff Zimmerman. 

Good show, good time - I especially liked the rusty Edsel on display as one 
would head to the toilets!

Bruce Clough 

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