On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Gernot Vonhoegen wrote:
> problem is, if you add anything to it, you will change the weight of the
> unit and then the reading will be different. Foam btw will be dissolved
> by petrol. I have seen the bowls replaced by cork though.
> May be you can get the bowl thingy seperately?
With a carb float, I'd agree.
But as to a tank float, if it floats higher or lower as a result of adding
floation, what's it matter? Better to have the guage fairly accurate than
have it always "empty". Besides, you can bend the float arm to
accomodate. The only criterion that *must* be met is that the float
should, well, float.
(My chevette's petrol gauge has the heebie-jeebies... won't settle down
until the car comes to rest. But it's better than the one I had on my old
car- didn't read at all!)