Pretty simple job. All you need is the K&N CLeaning Fluid and I
believe there is a K&N Oil that needs to be sprayed on after the
cleaning fluid has done it's work. You can get "Recharging kits" just
about anywhere. The directions are on the Box. First you spray on the
cleaner and let it sit for a while. Then use a hose to spray from the
inside out. Then I believe it is just let it dry and oil it. Take you
20 minutes tops.
Roger Berggren
Sioux Falls, SD
Dear all,
I am sure this topic has been on the list already (my apologies), but
the question:
How do I clean K&N air filters (I recall vaguely that one needs some
kind of
oil/cleaning fluid)? Thanks in advance for the help/answers from this
ever so great list!
'77 Spit
Oxford, UK
BTW, many thanks to the replies from Barry Schwartz, Dennis F.
Jack I. Brooks, and Irv Korey regarding my last question about a
resonating metallic grinding noise produced temporarily by my Spit.
It seems that it was a small pebble between the brake dust shield
and the rotor, as suggested. I have covered several hundreds of miles
with the Spit since the incident - no complaints at all.