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TR International weekend.

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR International weekend.
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 18:18:39 EDT
On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 09:40:55 +0100
"Peter Gillis" <>
wrote: TR international weekend

I was not able to bring my TR 4 to Gaydon, due to
time pressures and the fact that I allowed a friend
to use it as his wedding car the day before, (150
miles across the other side of Ireland).
I am now thinking that I might venture over to
Shepton Mallet in August and my question is
has anyone been at it in previous years?
How many cars could you expect?
What's the autojumble like?
or anything else of interest.
Peter Gillis
69 2000 Mk1
63 TR4

Hi Peter, 
I've beer to the TR Int W/E these last few years 94,95,96,97 and have
thoroughly enjoyed it. 
To compare with TSSC Int W/E:
TSSC: 15k members/TRReg: 10k members
TSSC: W/E 2500 cars/TRReg: 1500 cars
TSSC: W/E 5000 folk/TRReg: 2750 folk
(all figures approximate)
Both events have lots of Triumphs, bags of enthusiasm etc.
Autojumbles good at both events: the main differences are that TSSC members
wander around looking for bargains, clutching wads of fivers & tenners whereas
TR Register members are clutching wads of twenties & fifties.
Average age of TSSC members circa 30 years, and average age of TR Register
members circa 45 years.
Shepton Mallet is in my opinion, the better venue, especially for camping,
driving and eating out. The scenery is well, pretty scenic, whereas Stafford
is better equipped as a showground per se, but the camping facilities are
crap, and there is nowhere half decent in Stafford to eat out.
TSSC have a major Concours on the Sunday with roughly 60-75 entrants, whereas
TR Register have an ever diminishing Concours with about 30 entrants last
The Autojumble is much bigger at TSSC Stafford than at TR Reg Shepton Mallet,
and prices are a bit lower, in line with the value of the cars.
TSSC have a pretty big, and noisy 'disco-type' drinking party at Stafford,
with dreadful beer and disgusting food, although it is very popular, it
finishes about midnight-midnight 30, whereas TR Register's party goes on until
4.30am, because it seems that the generally older TR Register members have
more stamina, or perhaps they just pace themselves better ? Oh yes, and of
course they have the unbelieveable 'Becky' to keep them entertained, (erotic
dancer, almost dressed, with eyes capable of undressing any man at 50 yards,
also owner of a 4.2 ? litre TR7-V8 Cv in Metallic Blue with the registration
number/licence plate "HOT SIN")
nuff said.
If any of you come over to the event, be sure to
1)attend the overseas visitors free drink on the Saturday evening
2)look out for me, as I'll be there, hopefully with my Vitesse.
(It has a lot of TR in it, mostly TR6).
Leon F Guyot

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