At 15:19 31/05/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I have an '80 Spitfire and for the past few years I've had a problem in the
>summer. It seems that if you are making a lot of short trips (go
>somewhere, park, go somewhere else, park) in a short period of time when
>it's hot out, the car starts to stall out. It kind of jumps a bit, and
>then if it's really bad, it'll die and you can't get it started for 45
>minutes to a few hours. I suspect that the carb isn't tuned right (Weber)
>but I'm not sure. If anyone has any ideas I'm open...
I've got 2 45DCOEs on my (Sprint-engined) TR7. It's hard to restart on a hot
day, unless the motor has cooled down again. I suspect it's flooding, and
yours sounds like the same thing but worse. I'd check the float-valve (too
high a fuel level in the bowl?) and make sure the choke/cold-start mechanism
isn't stuck open. You might need to go down a size in the idle jets. Don't
pump the gas before you start, when it's hot, or the accelerator pump will
probably put way too much fuel into the manifold.
Let us know how you go.
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia