I think the $5.00 "admin fee" is the fee charged to have them charge
you the 7% GST. Good tip - thanks.
Jim Wallace
Subject: was Re: TR3a mystery fuse etc - now gaskets
Author: Non-HP-amiller ( at HP-USA,mimegw5
Date: 26/05/98 7:40 AM
I recently re-veneered my dash and in the process replace the rubber
gaskets on all the gauges. VB was in the $2.95-4.95 range. XKS
unlimited were in the $0.50-0.90 range. XKS also carries the hardware
fittings etc. etc.
no financial interest (apart from the $17.00 spent - includes a supply
for my local garage)
for Canadian listers - the guy on the phone had no problem labeling the
envelope "Industrial samples" (GST/Duty free), somehow I can't take the
$1.67 GST and $5.00 admin fee on $20 worth of "rubber bands"
78 Spitfire