On Mon, 25 May 1998 JAMES_S_WALLACE@HP-Canada-om1.om.hp.com wrote:
> It's quite a bit thicker than that - it was either rubber, like an
> O-ring, or black foam, but it's so decomposed I can't tell which. It
> seems like it must have provided a bit of a cushion between the bezel
> and the glass. But now, it looks as if it's melted, and it's turned
> into little chunks of solid black stuff.
How about a rubber band then? I bet that there's one that would fit in
one of those assortment boxes.
However I think you can get the gasket from any of the big 3 suppliers.
Moss only shows one on the picture and the word description is a bit dumb,
but I think they're what you want.
On my TR4 the gaskets were papery. They might get replaced with rubber to
avoid rattling anyway.
'62 TR4