Question to list:
My club member owns a TR4 & asked me what I thought the
problem is:
When he turns the steering wheel in one direction on a turn & then turns it
in the other direction [to straighted out from the turn] he would hear a
"KNOCK". Now, over a period of time, the signal knock has turned into
three or a series of knocks. He checked to see if the steering flex knuckel
was hitting the metal portion of the water hose. It was not.
My response was that the problem "sounded" like it
have been in
the rack, where the rack & pinnion meet [the teeth might be slipping at
thoes points]. Question is; 1) Was I giving him the correct advice? 2)
What other advice should I have suggested to him? Thanks in advance for
listening & your help. - Cosmo Kramer