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Re: HuH? etching primer available in spray cans?

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: HuH? etching primer available in spray cans?
From: john derbyshire <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 15:17:03 +0100charset="US-ASCII"
Mmdf-warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at
Recieved: from jderbyshire by (8.8.7) id PAA22326; Wed, 20 May 1998 15:23:32 +0100

>Folks, I doubt we are talking about etching primer at 7-14 $ a can. Etching
>Primer is a two part catalyzed acidic base coat and packaging it pre-mixed
>in cans seems improbable: its pot life is about 72 hours and it  would
>harden in the can.

I bought some last week (wasn't in a spray can though, just a litre of the
stuff to spray with a spray gun), and it only cost 12ukp per litre, you can
get two pack ( the stuff above, uses an activator)
or you can get 1 pack (no activator) and it can be thinned with cellulose
thinners, if your compressors not man enough.

My two pennies worth
regards John Derbyshire

TR7 FHC - Gearbox Still in Bits
Spitfire - In current use because TR's in bits
Rover 2000TC, in bits for restoration ( thats taking a long time due to
parts cost)

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