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Re: TR4 Windshield Removal

To: MRobe33243 <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Windshield Removal
From: "Charles Lattimer" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 22:24:45
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
At 05:26 PM 4/20/98 EDT, MRobe33243 wrote:
>     I have some welding to do along the bottom and both uprights of my
>windshield frame.  I have removed the metal glazibg strip which allows some
>sompression of the outer rubber glazing; but I am stumped.
>     do I pry the glass outwards from the strip or do I pry the outer rubber
>glazing inwards, glass and all?  Whatever, are there any special tools or
>magic concoctions that I should use?
>Bob Roberts
>TR4 35411CT

Dear Bob,

     I just removed my windshield last week.  I plan to replace the glass
and the
weatherstripping.  Just to see if it was possble,  I tried to remove the
without damaging the rubber.  I managed to put a 12" crack down the middle
of the
glass.  After cutting away all of the outside rubber, the windshield was
pushed out
easily from the inside.  Good luck!

Chuck Lattimer
'66 TR4A IRS
Brownsville, TX

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