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Re: Stromberg Commission numbers

To:,, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Stromberg Commission numbers
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 16:27:07 EDT
In a message dated 98-04-22 14:42:04 EDT, writes:

>  It is strange (but is that surprising?) that
>  Triumph
>  used Strombergs for 100 cars then back to SU for a few thousand before
>  switching back to Strombergs for a long period.   I am sure there is a very
>  interesting story to this, probably having to do with US emission controls.

Tony, not strange.  Reason for going to ZS's was economics.  SU's were made by
a Triumph rival, who was charging too much per unit.  ZS's could be obtained
at a more reasonable price.  (Both carbs work on the same principle).

It appears they wanted to see how ZS installation on the build line would
work.  They also probably had some SU's left over from a previous buy.

Art Kelly

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