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Re: thread lock and gasket sealants

Subject: Re: thread lock and gasket sealants
From: James <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 10:39:47 +0000
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
Don't use it, you'll regret it.  A proper job will use new gasguets, and
won't use any sealents.  Use new copper washers, make shure you have
removed all traces of old gasguet, and greese etc.  Don't scratch the
serface, put an even tourk on all the bolts, and use new gasguets, and
you should have no problems with leaks.  If you don't feel like taking
the engin apart, you can get aditives which re-soften the gasguets, and
stop leaks.  On paper gasguets, always put some new engin oil on them,
this helps make a seal.  On cylinderhead, manifold type gasguets,
makesure the serface are incredibly clean smooth and greese free, don't
put anything on these gasguets.  

If you suffer from leaks from your bolts, use new copper washers, paper
bits, use new gasguets or an aditive that re-conditions them.  You only
need to use it once, because it doesent thicken the oils like some of
the aditives. 

You can always tell an engin that is going to blow up, because it uses
gasguet sealent.  Ones that are going to go for ages, don't have
sealents.  Ones that are 5 minuets from blowing up don't leak because
they have no oil in.  

Remember aswell LBC engins always leak from the crank shaft oil seals,
someone on the list has put in a double as far as I can remember, they
will tell you how. 

Bescides, the reason Spifire and other triumph chasis don't rust from
the engin back, is because of the oil leaks. 
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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