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Re: Spit bushings, etc. [was: question....]

To: Larry Hooven <>
Subject: Re: Spit bushings, etc. [was: question....]
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:54:40 -0400 ()
Cc: Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, the newly pardoned Larry Hooven wrote:

> since i have been paroled by the gracious governor mace, and warden 
> curry at least got me the new suit...i'm back to pester the collective 
> mind of those who have been there done that.
> Ordered and received a poly bushing kit from BPNW [for]
> 1979 spitfire...
> 2 semi sober mechanics with just about every tool one would need 
> (including the list of course) to do front end work...

> best guess as to how long (there abouts) it will take to replace all the 
> bushing's in the car's front end for now...rear end can wait if there is 
> any work to be done there at all...

Tough call. Could go pretty quickly if the bolts come out of the bushing
sleeves ok. (We're talking possibly 19 years since this was last done,
right?) There are eight bushings total in the various wishbones, plus
whatever else the kit includes (shock and/or sway bar bushes?) Maybe an
hour or two (max) per side if the bolts free up nicely; MUCH longer if you
have to start cutting bolts and fun stuff like that.

But it's easy to do in stages: one lower wishbone at a time, or even one
"half" of an upper wishbone at a time.
> as the car is not running, would it be possible to do only one side at a 
> time...(hope to cure this problem as well see assundry parts)

Sure, and it's a great way to do it -- you'll have a "pattern" to refer to
(not that there's much to goof up here).
> any tips, tricks techniques for not killing myself with a flying spring, 
> have full setup of spring compressors if i need them...or can i remove 
> the shock tower as a unit and put it in the air powered spring 
> compressor.

It will come off the car easily as a shock/spring unit. Three nuts on the
top, remove the bolt through the lower shock bush and loosen the bolt
through the trunnion bush (if you're not removing the entire lower
wishbone at this point), and it'll come off. Then the whole thing goes
into your chosen spring compressor. 
> last question....non bushing related, but then again...the bonnet on 
> penny sags at the windshield. by about 1/8th inch or so, all the way 
> across the front under the windshield (screen) which leads me to think 
> (there i go again) that there are supposed to be rubber pieces that hold 
> up this part of the bonnet flush with the air screen on the front that 
> are now missing, if so where approximately are they located so i can 
> get/make/steal/pilfer/plunder some new ones...

There should be rubber cones, or remants thereof, in the upper rear inside
corners of the bonnet. If they're still there, they are adjustable. If
they're gone completely or only what looks like a washer and bolt head
remains, it's time to order new ones. They're available from the "Big
Three" and just about anyone else who sells Spitfire stuff for Bonnet
Locator Cones (p/n 612962). Should be around $4 each, so it's not worth
improvising around them.
> hopefully this is ubiquitious enough to not garner the wrath of mace 
> again.....  :)))  j/k when can i apply for a full pardon??????  
> :)  

We grant pardons once a year, on Harry Webster's birthday. I think it's
coming up soon! :-) 

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  * Andrew Mace                         e-mail: *
  *                                                                   *
  * Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?                                  *
  * Man: Well, no... It's not so much of a jet, it's more your, er,   *
  *  Triumph Herald engine with wings.                                *
  *   -- The Cut-price Airline Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus   *
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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