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Re: MORE on Nyloc nuts

To: John Duhart <>
Subject: Re: MORE on Nyloc nuts
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:55:17 -0700
Cc: LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Organization: J.M.Wagner Sales, Ltd.
References: <>
John Duhart wrote:
> >>> Justin Wagner <> 04/13 11:44 PM >>>
> (Snip)
> >SEcondly...
> >
> >For those of you buying boxes at Home Depot, OSH, etc...
> >
> >Don't forget that the nuts have grades too...  Grades 8, 5, and 2 are
> >typical..
> >
> >And I would not be surprised to find some of you are putting grade 2 on
> >your cars. Buying in quantity is THE best way to go...  and it's great
> >to be able to replace 'em as you run into 'em... but Be careful out
> >there!
> >
> >--Justin
> Hey Justin.
>  I bought mine from a boat shop.  I asked the owner what grade the nuts were, 
>he looked down his nose and said nuts don't come in grades.  I know bolts come 
>in grades, but how do you tell what grade the nut is?
> Later,

I hate to tell you this... but you know what grade it is by buying them
from a source that can provide this information.  Generally, if they're
zinc plated, they all look "pretty"...   I'm not aware of any markings
that would tell you after the fact, but then, I haven't sat down and
compared them either.   Maybe someone has?   

There are many different grades.  This is something that you have to
take seriously.  If the application calls for grade 8 bolts... It might
be a good idea to match them with grade 8 nuts, etc.

Someone else mentioned buying them in bulk from a racing supply
company... This would probably be the sort of source that would know the
difference! There are also nut/bolt suppliers out there, even through
the web. 


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