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GT6 Rear Spring

To: <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: GT6 Rear Spring
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 21:50:48 +0100
Here's something I remembered from fixing the Rotoflexes on my GT6.

As many will know, replacing the rear spring involves lifting it with a
crowbar (pry bar in US). The factory tool had a saddle welded on to take a
bolt which fits under the spring.

I had borrowed a crowbar so to avoid welding things on it, I used a short
length of heavy chain attached with a bolt and nut. Fitted just inboard of
the spring eye, this lifted the end bit as per manual.

HOWEVER! The car was still being lifted up off the axle stands. To make life
easier, I loosened the spring holding plate on the diff. Leaving all the
nuts on the studs by their full depth won me just enough slack to nudge the
spring ends into the tops of the vertical links. They didn't line up but a
tapered punch soon changed their minds.

Incidentally, this job was shown in the now-defunct 'Your Classic'
magazine-no idea which issue. Since the mag has now gone, I can safely
reveal that in the picture of the brakes being bled, the 'fluid' was lager.
Car journos run out of stuff like anyone else but it proves you can't always
believe what you see.

Just a minor contribution,

Dave Hill

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