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Refitting a J-Type O.D. to a TR6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Refitting a J-Type O.D. to a TR6
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 10:25:55 -0500
The long saga of the transmission rebuild continues...  This weekend's 
weather was sufficiently wretched here in Maine to allow me to work on the 
reassembly of my TRansmission in the basement.  I'm now at the point of 
refitting the overdrive (a J-type) to the back.  I had some difficulty when 
I took it off, as the unit didn't want to just "slide off" of the, but I had 
to keep prying it up to remove it.  Naturally, it doesn't want to just slide 
back on either.  In looking into the O.D. internals, I see that the splines 
for the 1-way clutch and the annulus ring are not aligned.  My trusty (but 
grease-smudged and battered) Bentley's addresses this as follows:

"Using a screwdriver of suitable length, turn the splines in a 
counter-clockwise direction until they both line up" (or something to that 

Well, guess what?  I have a screwdriver of suitable length, but the @#*%& 
splines don't want to move even a millimeter!  Does anyone on the list have 
any experience with this?  Am I missing something here, or do I just have to 
be more patient and keep trying?  (One definition of insanity is to keep 
doing the same thing, the same way -- each time expecting a different 
result).  There is some discussion of actuating the O.D. (using an adapter 
for a zerks fitting and a hand-pump full of oil) to relieve some preload on 
the.  Is this what's causing my problem?   I'm looking for a solution that 
doesn't involve the use of my BFH.  Thanks...

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