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Re: Brake Lights

To: Bob Jones <>
Subject: Re: Brake Lights
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 21:04:03 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

On Sun, 5 Apr 1998, Bob Jones wrote:

> I have always been electrically challanged and I feel particularly so
> this evening.  My left brake light (TR6) is dimmer than the right due to
> only one filament burning with the brake on.  Bulb is allright as I
> switched them and got the same result. Contact problem or wiring
> problem?  I think I have solved this in the past with a reasonable
> amount of tinkering but tonight I want to forgo that.  Any suggestions?

I smell a bad ground!

Do the flashers do funny things as well, or is it just the brake lights?

Check the bolts that hold the chrome trims onto the body.  I think these
are the ground connection, and they're not very good for electricity.


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