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To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re: FLAME vs. DEBATE
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 20:05:48 PDT
does this mean i can have a smaller piece of crow pie for my suggestions 
about the spit tranny?  thanks justin, well spoken

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 19:43:05 -0700
From: Justin Wagner <>
To: Triumph News Group <>
CC: Steve Chandler <>
Subject: FLAME vs. DEBATE

My apologies in advance to the group in regards to the "jacking a car by
the differential" debate...

Perhaps it comes across as "flames"...   but I would hope my words would
be read as a "debate"... 

I generally remain quiet when ideas are shared... about a number of ways
to do one thing... as it is up to the readers to choose a path and learn
for themselves what works for them, etc..

But when I see a post go unchallenged... that passes along what I
consider to be disinformation, I feel a need to debate it.  

I picture myself, when I was in my teens, learning about car
mechanics...  When an older, experienced mechanic says something to
you... there's a good chance you'll hold it as gospel...   unless, of
course, in time, your own common sense will shake you loose of the
poorly placed notion.

This forum is a great TEACHER for us all.  All I can ask is that users
realize the power of their words in here.  You are teaching, when you
share ideas.  It is a great responsibility....  You are not only
teaching the reader... you are teaching his sons, daughters, and
friends...those that will stand by the reader and learn from his

I see Steve Chandler's position has evolved... and while he debates as
if he were still defending his orginal rebutal... He is now simply
suggesting that the outer rails of the frame are stronger, and
therefore, better...  This is fine. My impression is, though I could be
worng, is that he sees now that the differential isn't necessarily a bad
thing to jack up... but that it is simply his opinion that the rails are
a better place...  If this is the case, I wish he had made this clear. 
so that users could now, CHOOSE what works best for them, given what
type of jacks they own, and what is more comfortable for them...  rather
than leaving people FEARING putting a floor-jack under the diff!

I think people stay quiet, all to often, just too avoid the flaming
fray, (I know I generally avoid it!) but it would be nice to see those
that are truly in a position to offer opinions based on long experience,
eduation, observation (vintage racing, etc.), and more than just what
their dad told dive in when silence may lead to users to
leaving FOT misinformed.

When it's an issue of how to pronounce tomato or potato, feel free to
leave it alone.  But when it's an issue such as "using gasoline as a
cleaner", or in this case, the safe-lifting of a Triumph, please join in
with a voice of reason.


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