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Re: seelastik

To: Dave Terrick <>
Subject: Re: seelastik
From: fred thomas <>
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 15:05:48 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Dave Terrick wrote:
> Brad - and listers -
> I still see spitfire references on our "big" TR list.  This is good.
> I have done several restorations and have followed the lead of an even more
> experienced restorer on this one - a product called "dum dum" is what is
> good for sealing bolt holes, etc.  Most autobody supply shops can order it
> or stock it.  it is an old style product much like plasticine (kids
> playdoh).  It will stay flexible forever. If you have ever removed your
> seatbelt anchor bolts you will have seen this stuff.
> There is also a product called "brushable seam sealer" which can be used
> for sealing new rockers / floors, etc.  Being of the consistency of runny
> yogurt you can smear it by hand (wear glovess, of course) or brush it.
> Referring to my GT6 factory manual,  here are examples of the stuff used:
> -bolted metal to metal joints, metal mouldings, small screwa, etc:
> Expandite Sealastic (dumdum)
> - external joints (wing seams,  floor seams, trunk seams, etc) Kelseal or
> Expandite Plastisol (modern flexible seam sealer)
> - windshield to body - "use approved mastics" - stuff like dumdum.
> This is a small sample of the info provided in a factory manual.  Get one.
> It is invaluable.  I have a friend in the body shop businss (who is
> originally from England and speaks "english")  who may be able to translate
> the old stuff into modern compounds from Dupont or PPG etc.  Many votes
> will make this an article submitted to the VTR page!
> Dave Terrick
> Dave Terrick
> 69 GT6+
> Winnipeg

NAPA also carries dum-dum, Dave you are telling your age, not many people 
remember dum-dum.

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