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Re: Possible distributer woes

To: Alan Camhi <>
Subject: Re: Possible distributer woes
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 15:34:51 +0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Alan Camhi wrote:

> Upon reviewing my ignition system on my TR4 last night I noticed that
> compared to my Bentley manual, my wire layout coming from the dizzy cap
> to each plug is 90 degrees out of phase. 
> I did not notice the position of the rotor when the crank is at top dead
> center but I'm thinking it will line up with the #1 position on the cap. 
> If this is the case, then I guess it shouldn't matter as far as running
> conditions.  If it does not line up............. 

Depends. So long as the rotor lines up with the cap terminal whose lead
actually goes to the #1 cylinder, then it might be ok.

> 1. Would a car run and if so, would the difference be noticeable if the
> firing sequence on the distributor was off by 90 degrees? 

If either the cap is wired "properly" and the distributor is turned out 90
degrees, or if the distributor itself is positioned about right and the
four leads are each 90 degrees out, no, it probably won't run.

> 2.  I have the feeling, the DPO fiddled with the distributor and put it
> back out of phase or possibly a couple of teeth out of phase.  Can a
> timing adjustment fix this or does the dizzy need to be removed and
> re-situated? 

I would suggest relocating the leads properly in the cap, then removing
and resituating the distributor properly.

> 3.  What gear causes the dizzy to turn.  Could the dizzy have been
> replaced in an incorrect alignment with this gear or is there a
> mechanism that allows for it to be aligned correctly every time? 

The distributor is driven by a gear that runs off the camshaft. It's
pretty easy to get the gear in wrong and/or to get the distributor in
wrong as well. For example, it's REALLY easy to install the distributor
180 degrees out. And, IMS, the gear can be installed in any one of many
incorrect positions? Not that I have any personal experience in having
done any of that. :-) 

> I' ve gotten the RPM's down to 800 and she is puttering at about 3 putts
> per second.  I don't know if this is normal.  All my other cars had more
> definitive and strong idle sounds. 

I don't know, either. You've talked of various carb problems and
adjustments. I think now's the time to make sure ignition and valves are
all set "normally" and properly so you have some baseline from which to
proceed in smoothing out the running.

I hope the above made some sense!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
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